God's Time
My blog has been silent since January 5 th . I needed time to search my heart, to seek God, and get direction from the Father. When the “True to Sue” blog started it was a search. It was a confused, hurt woman trying to make sense of things. Trying to find herself…mostly in her own power. In time, that changed. I changed. I'm no longer hurt and confused. I am healed and seeking. My writings have been geared more toward matters of faith. At times that has looked like commentary on sermons or world events. Other times, it has been a raw expression of my personal struggles. Hopefully, prayerfully that has ministered to people’s hearts and helped them see how great and merciful our loving our loving God is. Interestingly enough, I was writing in my own power. I asked God to make it effective, but I was not spending time asking Him what he wanted me to say. After all, if I want to spread God's message...I should have been consulting the source much more . In early...