Good Bye 2018
I have spent the last two weeks writing and rewriting my end of year blog. I have some big, exciting plans ahead for 2019. Yet, I feel I have to take a few moments to recollect 2018.
What a year? I became a grandmother. I went on a mission trip. I became an empty-nester. I went back to school. I started a new job. I am an intern. My husband and I are connect group leaders. The list could continue, but as you can see lots of changes. New and changing responsibility were evident through my year.
I had some spectacular highs when it came to my blog. The Cambodia Mission trip posted the highest numbers I had ever seen in readers, until I bared my soul in "To Tithe or Not To Tithe" which had nearly 500 readers. My second highest was "Ministry School - Emily" with nearly 300 readers. It seems when I am the most vulnerable is when people want to read. I suppose there is a lesson there.
New Year, New Word
I have mentioned before that New Year's resolutions are not my thing. I have made many and never kept a single one that I know of. Last year, I chose a few words and used those to focus my efforts through the year. Those words were: Earnest, Fervent, and Faith. I am holding onto these three words and adding two more. The 2019 words are: Joy and Self-discipline.I saw fruit in my life from utilizing those words to help focus what I did through the year. I think it is safe to say that faith will always be one of my words. I discovered the joy of the Lord in 2018 in ways I cannot explain. I had what some may call "mountain top" moments where the joy bubbled up and spilled out. Then I had the after, when the emotion of the moment was gone. Somewhere, and I am not sure exactly when, joy settled into my spirit. It is constant and I want to cultivate my relationship with my Savior and grow that joy that passes all understanding.
Self-discipline is going to be a huge focus for 2019. I have personal goals concerning writing, my health, our family finances, and working to disciple others. The things in my heart and mind that I want to see happen in 2019 require me to manage my time better. They require time on a treadmill and maybe a little less time in my kitchen. It means establishing a schedule that has fluidity to I can be there for others. There has to be a measure of self-discipline and self-care in order for me to give my best to others.
What Is The Dream?
When I complete my book, my dream is to have it be successful. Yes, I would love to pay off debt with the proceeds, but I want it to be enough of a success to donate significant money to Northern Appalachian Teen Challenge and to my church, Centerbranch. Who knows...maybe sell movie rights and fund both for a while. How cool would that be?In 2018, I got a taste of being able to meet the needs of others. On more than one occasion, we opted to forgo going to the movie or out to dinner so we could bless someone else. Most people would say they sacrificed, but it did not feel like a was a blessing. Never once have we lacked as a result of being generous. My dream of being a successful writer coming to fruition means I get to give more and be a true Kingdom Builder. That idea excites me. If you ever connect your heart to giving, you will never be the same.
As great as each of these things sound, I do not know what the outcome will look like. I know that God blesses the work of my hands, so I am trusting in that. God will use what I do for His glory and to reach others. That is the main drive of everything is now.
First Steps in 2019
Our church does an annual 21 day fast. We start on January 2. Joe and I have participated in the past but we are committing to the full 21 days. I have prepared differently for this fast. I have the Jentezen Franklin book on fasting and the journal (link here). I am going to use these along with the tools provided by our church to dig deep during the 21 day fast. I also have another guide for reading the Bible through the year that includes a journal. I tend to do better when I have a "study guide". The journals both have prompts and things to guide your focus.All the things I have shared and a few I have yet to share will be committed to the Lord in the course of the fast. Part of self-discipline is submitting to the Lord and not getting too much of "my will" in the equation. I am excited about what 2019 holds, which is a much different space than I have been in before on the last day of the year.
Speak Life
We give too much time to complaining and giving the devil glory for what he does. STOP IT. Speak encouragement to others and to yourself. Praise the Lord for what he has done, especially when everything seems to be going wrong. Do not enable your friends to whine and complain. Build them up. Shift their focus with scripture and testimonies of God's great work in your life and theirs. Speak life. Do not claim negative things like poverty, sickness, heartache, depression on your life. When you are in your test, thank God for the testimony you will have when your victory comes.A 2019 Challenges
I have this written in my planner, "A Proverb a day, keeps the devil away." I cannot be sure which minister I heard speak of reading a chapter of Proverbs everyday, but in two months I notice an impact. I challenge you to join me in reading a Proverb a day, everyday in 2019. It's 31 chapters and every time I read I get fresh revelation. It only takes a few moments and it imparts wisdom.My second challenge, step outside what is comfortable. The mission trip was outside my "comfort zone" but I experienced great growth. Stepping out in faith about ministry school and changing careers were not initially comfortable. I have been blessed by stretching myself and trusting God more. His strength in our weakness, is an amazing experience. This challenge looks different for all of us. Maybe it is giving a little more in the offering. Maybe it is praying for someone. Maybe it is sharing your faith with another. Whatever it is, step out in faith. God has you in his hand, there is NOTHING to fear.
"For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." Isaiah 43:19 (NLT)
It is a new year. Set your goals. Make your resolutions. Just keep Christ in the center of it all. God is doing something new. The new year is the perfect time for you to do the same. Embrace the hope of the 2019 with faith and a heart full of love.
Happy New Year to one and all. My God richly bless you now and always.
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