Choose The Better Thing

People always start the New Year off with new goals in mind. Our success or failure in what we aim for eventually boils down to the choices we make.

In Luke 10, we find Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus and Martha running about trying to get things done. When Martha complains she is doing it all, Jesus tells her that “Mary has chosen what is better.” (Luke 10:42)
This is something we see in our lives daily. Yes, there are dozens of things we need to do, but we must prioritize. We must do that which is better, and we must do that first. We need time with God, before we face the rest of our day.
If you are friends with members of my church on Facebook,  you frequently see #firstthingsfirst. People post a snapshot from their devotional, a scripture from their reading, or sometimes just a photo of their space where they seek God. Our Pastors have encouraged each of us to cultivate our time with God as our first priority in the morning. Once again, choosing that which is better. This is very important, but it is not the only context where we need to choose that which is better.

Three Strands Not Easily Broken

Ecclesiastes 4:12 tells us a cord of three strands is not easily broken. With this in mind, take a look at Matthew 6. Jesus gives instructions for when we give, when we pray, and when we fast. I do not think it is a coincidence there are "three-strands" referred to in this passage. Our Pastor touched on this during the first Wednesday night service of 2019. Before giving deeper instruction and guidance on prayer, he spoke on giving and fasting. These things combined together open so many things to believers.

Until the last year or so, I thought is was wrong to do things for the purpose of return. Then I heard some teachings and studied and discovered...that is the law of sowing and reaping. It is cause and effect. When I pray about specific things or needs, I expect a result...that is faith. When I give my tithe or offering...I expect God to make provision for me. He promises me in his Word that if I am faithful and obedient he will bless me. (Deuteronomy 28) Why do we give into this idea that expecting from God is wrong? That is faith that He will do all he said he would do in the Word. Our attempts at piety and humility actually have us moving against the will of God and most of us do not realize it because we have been taught this or that. That is the reason you have to pick up your Bible and read for yourself.

Our congregation starts the year with a 21 Day Fast. Just as we start each day with "first things first", this is a way to start the entire year with the same mindset. Set aside this time for God, to study the Word and pray. We have prayer points that we focus on each day; however, we are encouraged to seek God and press in during this time. So many testimonies are heard after a time of prayer and fasting. Sure we could go out to eat after church Sunday or fix a big meal to celebrate the new year, but many of us choose the better thing. We choose to take time to fast and pray.
I often hear people say they cannot afford to give. Many people have this attitude toward tithe. I used to be one of them, but I have come to realize...I cannot afford to not tithe. For today's purposes, I am talking about offering, generosity...kingdom building. 
This is one of those areas where we must seek God. I’d love to pay someone’s mortgage, car loan, or send someone on a vacation. My current finances do not allow that without defaulting on my own obligation. (That is..I can't do it yet.) What about choices we can make? If you could eat food you had in your cupboard instead of going out to dinner, could you sponsor a child at your church for an event or summer camp? If you decided to not go to the movies to see the newest release, could you buy groceries for the food pantry or pay for the meal of another family when you go out?
If your first thought is that's a sacrifice, consider this: I invite you to join me for coffee at Starbucks. While we are enjoying our coffee you thank me for the afternoon treat. My response is it's a sacrifice, glad you are enjoying it. If I tell you I made a sacrifice to bless you, how would that make you feel? In the modern vernacular, sacrifice has a negative thought with it, something we do out of obligation - not out of love. When I make these choices, it does not feel like a sacrifice, it is a blessing. I had the opportunity and I chose the better thing.
When it comes to giving, we make a lot of excuses, let’s start making choices instead of excuses. Unless you are talking sacrifice of praise, let's kick the word sacrifice to the curb for 2019. Choose the better thing in 2019. Be a kingdom builder in your church. Donate to causes you believe in. Most importantly, help those you care about. After all, where our treasure is that is where our hearts are found.

Not Always About Money

Choosing the better thing relates to time as well. People need people. We crave fellowship with others. Choosing the better thing may mean giving time to your children or spouse, instead of volunteering for yet another project. Sometimes it will be taking time to disciple another instead of curling up with the family at home. There will even be occasions where the better thing is secluding yourself with the Lord. Knowing how to make these choices goes back to putting first things first. If you are spending time with God, putting him first, everything else seems to naturally fall into place.
We have opportunities everyday to make hundreds of choices. Sometimes those choices are between doing things we really do not want to do, but it is still a choice. We choose to go to work. We choose to serve God. We choose to show up for church. We choose to worship. We choose to love. God gave us free will to make these choices.
What will you choose this year? Will you make the better choice?


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