Cambodia Mission - July 16 អរគុណច្រើន

Arkoun Chraen (អរគុណច្រើន) translates to "Thank you very much" in Khmer. I want to express my thanks to everyone who supported me financially, emotionally, and spiritually to make this trip. I came to Cambodia looking for something and found far more than I expected. My heart is so full and Jesus is so real to me.
I thought, briefly, that something was wrong with me. I was not overly excited or worked up about anything. Even changes in schedule or putting shoes on dirty little feet...nothing seemed to rock me. When others seemed to be struggling I was able to reach out to them to help them calm down and reset. Where was my culture shock? I did not feel like I thought I should feel,

Then yesterday I remembered something my friend Kayla said to me about someone she had prayed for. The empty or light feeling was not emptiness at is peace. I have heard about peace that passes all understanding most all of my I have experienced it. I feel like I am smiling from deep within myself. I feel lighter.

I am physically wore out. I want to sleep, but I do not want to miss anything. If they wanted to go back to Poipet right now I would be first on the bus. I will come back to Cambodia in the future, whether or not it is next year we will see. I think it is important for my husband to have an experience like this and I pray to be in ministry school, so my next trip may have to be delayed.

Day of Rest

After two days of traveling to Poipet, leaving before 7 AM and returning to Siem Reap after 9 one evening and after midnight the next…the team is wiped out. This is our day of rest and recovery. Some are out shopping in the market. Several of us are just enjoying the hotel. Rachel and I spent some time in the fitness center in the hot jacuzzi, then the steam room and the sauna. Afterward we went to the pool for a little while. It has been refreshing and relaxing. No rush to do anything.

Addy is with us today. Addy is 13. She is a beautiful and amazing young woman. I cannot imagine being her age and doing all that she is doing. She has had some culture shock moments but she has pushed through. We had a chance to have lunch and play some card games this afternoon. We also decided to check out Cambodian TV in the room. We flipped through some channels until we found something that needs no translation…
That’s right Tom & Jerry. We ate our lunch, talked and watched cartoons. It was honestly a perfect time to relax. In an hour or so we are going to head to the market. A little shopping and pampering for the girls.

There is some shopping we want to do and the team is meeting for dinner around 6pm…then back to the hotel and the pool again.

អរគុណច្រើន Arkoun Chraen or Thank You Much

I have picked up on a few words while here. The custom here is to place your hands in front you, similar to prayer and bow your head. I love this custom. It shows respect and is so much more than nodding your head or a simple wave. Its honoring to others…I think that is what makes me take notice…honor is so important between people here.

We have a tendency to think we are doing people a favor when we give to missions or go on a mission trip ourselves. Yes, we are here to tell them the life saving Gospel of Jesus, but I think we take for granted how welcoming they are to us. In the United States, if you come to my door I am suspicious. I may invite you in if I know you, but a stranger is not coming in my house. These beautiful people welcome us into their homes, even the ones resistant to the Gospel are hospitable. I am not just a stranger to them, I am a foreigner. I look different, I talk different, and yet I am still received with grace and kindness.

My day was spent in reflection and relaxation. We all came together for dinner. This far into our trip and this is the first real "American" meal we have indulged in. PIZZA

After dinner,  it was back to the hotel and the pool. The girls and I went to the spa afterward. Teenage girls in a spa room...what was I thinking? Seriously, they are good girls but what a riot. They don't like the smell of the steam room or sauna, oh and they are too hot. They liked the jacuzzi and seemed to enjoy doing their own version of the ice bucket challenge in the ice cold jacuzzi. (Why would anyone want to spend time in freezing water?) We had a lot of laughter, much of what centered around what is now referred to as Cambodian lingerie. What it actually was is the mesh like disposable undergarments used in spas for massages and hot rooms. The girls laughed and laughed...well worth the silliness.

Off to bed. I am relieved to go to sleep tonight. This trip has been an amazing blessing and I have a day and half left to pull from and give in Cambodia. Thank you, Lord for this opportunity.


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