Death to Life

I was 15 years old when I took a prescribed medication that sent me into anaphylactic shock. It is as close to death as I have ever been physically. The result of the allergic reaction kept me from ever dabbling in drugs. I am even hesitant to take medication the doctor prescribes. For years, I would take a first dose of new medication while on the property of a medical facility or with someone nearby to monitor for symptoms. I was once told I would have less than 10 minutes to get treatment should another reaction occur. Without treatment I would die. That was 28 years ago.

About a year after that, I heard of Teen Challenge for the first time. I remember being confused because it was adults, not teens. I remember the men performing a skit and singing along with a track by the Christian artist, Carmen. The only other clear recollection was the name of their director, Sal DiBianca. I have no idea why his name has stuck with me all these years.

Last week, I started a new job with Northern Appalachian Teen Challenge. I have never had this much joy or peace about a new career path. I knew part of that joy came from the knowledge this is a ministry. I have been yearning to work in a ministry capacity for quite awhile now. This certainly answered that desire. I have previously shared how I received confirmation after confirmation that this was where God was leading me. I have never been this certain of anything except my need for Jesus to save me.

As my first week unfolded, I have seen glimpses of how I can use the different talents God has given me. Talents I have yearned to put to use, but could not seem to find an outlet for. I have wanted to once again do work with purpose...what greater purpose than being part of a team dedicated to disciplining others? The Bible tells us that if we seek the Kingdom of God, all these things will be added unto us. You will not comprehend what "all these things" are until you trust God, obey God, and seek His Kingdom. When God starts to add these things unto you, it is far beyond what we could ask or desire.

No Judgment, Just Grace

I am blessed to have never battled drug addiction. I have witnessed it rip through others and struggled with watching my son's addictions. I have done plenty that brought shame to myself and my family. I was likely drinks away from being an alcoholic myself. I am convinced that my allergic reaction, as a teen, is the only thing that kept me from going down my own rabbit-hole of addiction. As it has been said, but for the grace of God go I.

Everyone has made choices, based on experience, personality, circumstance and even ignorance, that led them to where there are right now. Some are in darkness, struggling with addiction, depression, and a plethora of other vices. Many of us found light and life in Christ Jesus. I, for one, am in the best place I have ever been in. I am growing closer to God each day. I have joy in my heart. God has made provision for me. I am healthy and happy. Whatever my journey, I KNOW my destination, Heaven, without question. That is a result of God's grace, Christ's sacrifice, and the Holy Spirit living in me.

Light Versus Dark

The difference between being trapped in darkness and freedom in the light is one thing...Jesus. It does not matter what the darkness is in your life: fear, anxiety, sickness, or addiction (of any kind). Jesus is the answer. If you are reading this and know Jesus, are you sharing your testimony? Does everyone you know hear how good God is to you? If not, start correcting that today. Keep the praise of God always on your lips. If you praise, you don't have time to complain.

If you are reading this and you do not know Jesus, He is waiting on you. There is no secret handshake or password. It is a gift you just have to receive, a life changing present waiting to be unwrapped. It is as simple as saying the below prayer and believing it in your heart.

Welcome to the family!! 
Now find a church, a spirit filled, loving church that you can learn more about God and fellowship with other believers. (I can recommend an amazing church: Centerbranch in Mount Clare, WV). Read scripture. No Bible? Go online there are dozens of free Bible reading sites and applications for your phone. Don't know where to start? Try reading the book of John and Proverbs. Better yet, pray for God to guide you to the scripture you need. Speak to a Pastor. Speak to a fellow believer. Speak to me. We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the WORD of our testimony. 

Let today be the first day you start to walk in the freedom of Salvation. God bless you.


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