You ever notice how we tend to hear something different from what is actually being said to us? There is a whole field dedicated to communication because the messages we send are not always the messages received. LARGE CAPITAL LETTERS in an email are not always someone yelling, but I generally feel like I am being yelled at when I see ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ON MY SCREEN. (Hence if you ever get something from me in all capital letters…I’m probably yelling.) Moms, how about telling your kids to “Go clean your room.” Notice how they generally only hear the “Go” part of that direction?

"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15

In Mark 16:15, Jesus gives the command to go into all the world. Personally, this has always been “the missions verse” in my mind. Go into the corners of the world and share God’s love. How is it that we often overlook the corners close to us: our neighborhoods, our workplaces, our schools, our homes, and even our churches? I am learning that the impact in not about the length of your reach, but the love in your heart and the impact of said reach.

I have long dreamt of writing the great American novel, but once I rededicated my life it became a desire to write the great American Christian book. What impact could I have on the world using my love of writing to share the Gospel? I was thinking, “Take the nation by storm” levels, when my imprint may need to be much smaller. It may be the 50 -60 regular readers of my blog. It could even be as small as encouraging one person with the knowledge they are not alone in their journey to increase their faith.

Let’s not mistake what I am saying, I still want to write a book and it to be well received. I am just not as hung up on being a renowned author as I once was. I just want what I write to make impact and to help grow God’s kingdom.

Go Where?

“Go ye into all the world…” starts at home. By home I mean the places we are regularly. We live in communities, we worship in churches, we live in family groups, we work, we go to school and this is our mission field.
Notice that the US is part of the map
I am grateful that the leadership of my church understands that missions start in our own backyard. We are currently engaging in a “Go Tour”. We have been a three different parks this week. The whole event is set up like a block party at the park. Food, games, music, and lots of interaction with different folks in the community. Do you know what it is like to see people worshipping in a neighborhood park? Hands raised in worship all over a park while “Reckless Love” is being sang. It is beautiful and breathtaking to behold. Then the word is delivered. Most importantly, souls are saved and lives have been touched. We have one remaining night of the “Go Tour” this week. I am excited to see what God has in store and how the seeds which have been planted will blossom.

I have talked a lot about my upcoming mission to Cambodia. I do not want anyone to think you have to leave home to be a missionary. In fact, we are all called to be missionaries. If you are saved, you have an obligation to share to Gospel. So GO. Go tell your neighbor what God has done for you. Talk about God’s work in your life at home. At your workplace, be known for compassion and love. Be the go to prayer warrior in your sphere of influence outside of the church. Most importantly, be a good ambassador for Christ. An ambassador is a representative, so let your life reflect who you serve and what you are about.

Word of Caution

Start living your Christian walk out loud. Come out of the prayer closet and let people see Jesus in you. Know this, the enemy is coming after you. He can’t touch you unless you allow it. He is going to tell you that you are not perfect. He will remind you of that word that slipped in the office or you losing your temper in a frustrating situation. Tell him to shut up and cry out to Jesus. You are forgiven. You are on a journey and your destination is Heaven. Take everyone you can grab to come with you…there is no maximum capacity in God’s kingdom. There is room for all of us and place for each of us to belong.


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