Pet Or Predator

In the past, I considered myself pretty fierce. I was a correctional officer, a probation officer…I supervised gang members, I carried a gun…I was ten feet tall and bulletproof. I have worked in male dominated industries most all of my adult life. I’ve dealt with passive-aggressive, abusive male behavior from supervisors and co-workers. I have been the target of harassment and abuse. I have survived it, thrived in it and overcome a great deal. I have also encountered those same issues from women in positions of authority.

I wasn’t bulletproof. I lived in a cage of fear, anxiety, aggression and I reacted to the world around me. I internalized every criticism, verbal assault, and act of abuse. Crisis to crisis, I dealt with it. I felt worthless and overwhelmed because I had no victory. Even in moments of elation, joy was short lived.

Trigger Point

The last few days I have seen three news clips or Facebook posts that left me pondering about predators. 1. A comedian at the White House Correspondence Dinner demeaning another woman in a powerful position. 2. A lion attacking its caretaker after being raised from a cub by the man. 3. A cheetah pulling a crocodile from the water and dragging it into the jungle.

Women Bashing Women

I have not watched the coverage in detail but the news clips showing Michelle Wolf's comments about Sarah Sanders and her remarks about abortion were crude, lewd, and way out of line. Even supporters of pro-choice have commented on the inappropriate nature of the abortion comments. Sarah Sanders was “roasted” in a hurtful manner. You can disagree, vehemently disagree without degrading another. This was not comedy. It was an offense.

In the last few years the roar from Hollywood and women’s groups has been about equality and fair treatment. I support the idea as a woman who has been in some of those situations – equality is needed. It is not found, earned or gained by stepping over the corpses of other women we take out in our effort to advance. I DO NOT have to agree with everything you stand for, or anything you stand for, to appreciate your journey. I can support you as a woman, but not support your special interest. I can violently disagree with you, but show respect for you as a human being.

As long as women continue to compare and act like rivals…we will continue to be second place on the world stage in the eyes of ourselves, men are really only a meniscal element of this larger problem. Women need to learn from the animal kingdom. Stop being a snake and start being a lioness.

Lessons from the Big Cats

Yesterday, on the news, I saw a clip about a man in South Africa, who had hand raised a lion. The lion attacked him, mauling him severely. Perhaps the lion was only playing with the man or perhaps it was being aggressive. Either way, the lion was being a lion. Even though it was raised in captivity by humans…its true nature cannot be hidden. It is a lion. It is wild. It is a predator. It is not a pet.

Then I saw a clip on Facebook of a Cheetah pulling a crocodile out of a river and dragging it into the woods. This huge, powerful cat drags the croc into the jungle with apparent ease. This powerful cat is not remotely considering what others think it is taking care of business, in this case…dinner.

Don’t Pet Me

I lived a long time in sin, shame, and darkness. I was the devil’s little pet. He played with my life. He tricked me and knocked me around. It was run of the mill, everyday life stuff…but he was influencing and driving my life. When I rededicated my life, things changed. The enemy stopped playing with me and treating my like a pet…he attacked like the predator he is.

The thing is there are different types of predators. The lioness works with a pack to take out prey. They are coordinated by nature and they attack with fury and force. The snake is a predator too, it strangles you, crushes you, or poisons you. The level of violence of these predators is vastly different. I watched these videos of a female predator attacking another woman, a lion attacking its care giver, of a cheetah taking its dinner from the water and realized I am developing into a predator too.

The bible talks of the devil being like a roaring lion. He is LIKE a roaring lion…he is NOT a lion. He is an imitator. He is a snake. He has to get in close to take you out. He needs you to come close enough to strike or to strangle. I am a lioness. It is the only thing I can be because the head of my family is the Lion of Judah. Like begets like and as a daughter of God…I am a lioness.

I am not in competition with my sisters in Christ. We each have skills that make us effective in areas we are called. We all serve the leader of our Pride…Jesus Christ. We react quickly. We go after what belongs to God. We don’t wait to ensnare you like a snake. We actively pursue you and work to bring you into unity with the body of Christ.

If you are a child of God…you are not a pet, so stop acting like one. No more tail chasing or waiting for things to be handed over to you for being “good”. You are a part of a larger organism. Part of the body of Christ. Service is not optional. Fellowship is not optional. Worship and the Word are not optional. Don’t treat them like they are. Let the enemy hear us roar united.


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