Words of Life Promise Box V3
Today's verse comes from Proverbs...the book of wisdom.
"In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:6
Now this box of cards is from the first half of the 20th century, so they are all King James Version. In the case of this verse I prefer the New International Version which reads, "in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight". The usage of submit versus acknowledge is the reason I prefer the NIV translation.
I acknowledge God all the time, but so do many who do not follow Him. The dictionary defines acknowledge as "accepting the existence of or showing recognition of one's presence". I am certain if we look at the original language of the passage it packs more of a punch, but in modern language without a history lesson on translation...acknowledge is something just about everyone except an atheist does...acknowledge God's existence.
Recognizing there is a God is not enough for Him to direct my path, let alone to make it straight. If I submit to God that paints a different picture. If we go back to the dictionary we find submit is to "yield to a superior force or the authority of another". The Bible directs children to submit to their parents. Children are to submit to the authority of their parents so they can learn and receive direction. It is the same with us yielding to our Heavenly Father.
Acknowledge God in all you do. Give Him praise for he alone is worthy. Make sure you are submitting to Him. Surrender your struggles to Him. Let Him take control of the reins of your life. When we do, we find that unspeakable joy that is promised.
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