We The People
Let me state this very clearly before you read further. I think for any person, female or male, to come forward about abuse, of any kind, is brave. Unless you have experienced abuse in some form, you cannot understand the shame and fear that is planted in the heart and mind of the victim. Every victim has their story.Not sure how well you will follow the borderline rant that follows. This blog is about figuring things out and sharing my journey. Today my journey is on this subject. The coverage on the Me Too Movement and its ripple effects opening discussion on gender equality, left me looking at a picture beyond Hollywood's troubles.
Equal Pay is more than a Gender Thing
So for a moment, let's put the gender equality discussion on the shelf and acknowledge we have a warped social equality. We have men and women risking their lives as soldiers, police, fire fighters, correctional personnel, forestry personnel and so on that cannot afford medical expenses for their children. We have inmates with better access to health care than the people who stand guard.This is a subject that has long troubled me. Athletes who disrespect these brave men and women are paid millions to run with a ball. Celebrities are paid millions to perform in movies, television shows, and sing...then they promote their platforms at award shows or in interviews without scope for the ripple they create. The people who look up to them can't afford to take their entire family to see the movie at the theater. Our political leaders receive outrageous salaries and benefits to represent people who cannot afford to share a meal with those representing them.
The media and culture in general is directing our attention at this cause or that cause. They fan flames of division between men and women, between races, between religions, and between any groups of people that can be polarized. When are we, you know...WE THE PEOPLE, going to stop falling for it. I am not saying to be ignorant of current events, but when was the last time you watched the news and felt hope. Aside from the weather (and scores for sports folks) what piece of information did you pull from that last newscast that helped you function during the day or improved your ability to make decisions. We are too easily duped by fake news because we never dig deep...we ebb and flow with the sensationalism that is placed before us.I am not trying to take aim at a person, this is a culture each of us has helped proliferate in one way or another. We have turned a blind eye and stayed quiet when we saw a husband too aggressive with his wife or a parent verbal or physically accost their child. We have all stayed silent when we knew someone was inappropriate with a coworker or friend. We have all been a victim to some issue. Judged by our gender, age, religion, or color. Many of us have experience inequality regarding promotions or salary based on something other than our merits. WE THE PEOPLE have been far to silent, for far too long.
The opening of our Constitution reads "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America."Someone please explain to me how many of these modern movements honor the preamble. Women parading with explicit remarks and vagina hats after President Trump's election...how does that honor the essence of what we are founded upon. (Obviously that march is a sore spot with me.) How does slut shaming, gay bashing, or attacks on people because of their race or religion promote the tenants laid down in that paragraph.
The Case Against Christianity
Yes you read that heading right. Working in the fields I have worked in I have met people from all walks of life - different religions, races, sexual orientations, criminals, socio-economic classes and many more. I have had many conversations about faith over the years. One of the hardest things I grappled with was "Christian Hate". The first exposure was as a teen when people claiming to be Christians were bombing abortion clinics. In the 90's it was homosexuals being beaten and in some cases killed by so called "Christians". In my parents generation it was the KKK acting in god's name to terrorize and torment people of color or without their preferred WASP background. The Westboro Baptist church with its message of hate. These are the images people are receiving of the church.Why is the message of hate heard so loud, but loving kindness is hidden? I will tell you what I think...the faithful, those who are real Christians: the sons and daughters of God are being too quiet. We are content to leave getting the message out to our Pastors and Missionaries. There is a place for bringing a hell, fire, and brimstone message from an anointed evangelist. The daily living is where we plant the seeds. Our quiet one on one ministry to people we come into contact with and the intercession in prayer for the people in our lives make impact. Living a life walking in God's presence with joy and faith...make an impact. If being a Christian were a crime would the actions in your life convict you or exonerate you? Once you can answer that question, you will know what step to take next. Treating others with love and grace does not mean we accept or tolerate their sin. As Jesus dined with the tax collectors and dregs of society he talked to them and showed compassion. Jesus is not best known for flipping tables in the tabernacle...he is known for compassion.
Perhaps if we, the sons and daughters of God, spend more time living a Christ-like life the message to the world will shift. If we spend more time in prayer instead of watching the news, spend time in scripture instead of complaining about others...couldn't we turn the tide. Make no mistake, we are warriors but God fights the battle, WE THE PEOPLE OF GOD...need to get our acts together and stop falling for the divisive tactics that work so well in the secular world. It is God's will for all to be saved...we do not get to decide who is worthy. Justice is the will of God, but so is mercy.
Remember that when you jump to support any cause. Things of this world are things of the flesh. Even the best intended cause or movement will warp into something dangerous...if God is not at the center of it all.
Good Night and God Bless
Back to the opening paragraphs of this blog. No one should be abused. There are organizations to help women, children, men, veterans, inmates and anyone experiencing abuse. No one should have to deal with receiving unequal wages. Break the cycles of abuse. Break the silence. Do not be a bystander watching, do something...even if all you do is pray...do something.Let's do a better job of loving our fellow man, as Christ loves us.
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