Farewell 2017
How was your 2017? It is a common question as the year draws
to a close. My suggestion, be honest as you review the past year. It is
sometimes the hardest thing we do...be honest with ourselves.
As I reflect on 2017, I have both triumphs and failures. It
has been a memorable year, but not the year I had intended. It was not the year
God intended for me either.
Right now someone is reading this and saying, "how does she presume
to know what God's will is for her life?" That's okay. A few years ago I
would have said the same thing. I listened to what was fed to me growing up...I
did not absorb what God's word actually said. We are to be MORE than
conquerors. This has not been a conquering year, let alone a more than
conquering one. 2017 was not God's will as it unfolded. Yes, God moved and
provided in my life...but my level of faith blocked what He wanted for me. The only real obstacle to seeing God's will revealed in my life, is being out of His will to begin with.
So look again at 2017. Did your action or inaction block
God's blessing? I KNOW mine did. As you greet the new year, commit to obedience
to God. Push your limits in 2018. Spend more time in God's word, pray
more...connect more. If you grew in 2017...grow more in 2018. More importantly, never settle. Do not set up camp and think "I'm in a good spot". God always has more on the horizon. And another thing...stop listening to those negative voices in your head. The voices saying "you can't", "you're not ready", or "you are not worthy"...they are lies.
"We demolish arguments and every pretense that sets
itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take capture every thought to
make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
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