Measure of Grace
Writing is not just artistic expression or a fun past time for me. In the past it has been a life line. When I was a teen and could not make sense of what was happening I crafted poetry and stories to reflect those emotions. The darkest times in my life are the ones where, for one reason or another, the writing stopped. See this does not just put a focused eye on the situation, it also holds a mirror up to the my face and sometimes the faces of those in my life. My refection is not always pleasant and neither are the pictures painted of others. Why? We all have flaws. We all have different perspectives of situations. You are simply reading my world through my eyes and my perspective.
At times, this has made people I care about like my Mom, my children and others look less than perfect. Guess what? They are less than perfect. I can't help but think of Jesus saying "whoever among you without sin cast the first stone". What is the point today? Give a measure of grace. Not just to me but to those you know mean no harm. As my reader, you may not know that I dislike confrontation and will choke on bile to keep the peace. (That usually ends up in an explosion of emotion which is pretty unhealthy.) I am also a problem solver. The only way to solve a problem is to ask questions. As Momma's voice rings in my ear, "You have to get to the root of the problem". My husband sometimes teases me because I try so hard to see other perspectives and give reason to the behaviors of others. This process is me making sense of my corner of the world and hopefully letting someone else are not alone. You are not alone in your questions, your frustrations, and musings. For me knowing that someone else "gets" what I deal with brings me comfort. No, I do not relish someone else suffering, but knowing someone understands where you are is invaluable.
This morning as I contemplate I am brought back to the idea that Jesus walked this earth, in part, so he would know our experience. He saw first hand human kindness and cruelty. He loved his friends and family. He also experienced betrayal from Peter, who acted in fear. He experienced betrayal from Judas, who acted in greed. Yes, Jesus is our Savior and the son of God, but he was with us in the form of man. The emotions we experience, he experienced too. This aspect of the Savior is incredibly personal to me today. The love, mercy, and grace He had for us strikes awe in my heart.
As you start your day, will you commit to giving grace to others as it has been given to us by Christ Jesus? People will frustrate is part of this imperfect world, how we react to those frustrations is in our control. Grace wins...every time.
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