I am not going to promise a daily post of what I am grateful for in my life. Those always seem to transition from being thankful for Grace and a healthy family to the less profound I am thankful for chocolate, carbs and so forth. Here is my promise as we kick off the holiday season. I will do my best to share a thought to keep you and I both in an attitude of gratitude.
Science has shown the impact of positive thinking. The bible in Philippians 4:8 charges us to focus on true and honorable things. I do not believe it is happenstance that focusing on positives, focusing on blessings and channeling our energy to think on what is good, right and true creates in us a better attitude. I for one have been in a nasty valley. Truthfully, I am still in the valley but I am so tired of looking down, watching my next step and being fearful of what is around the corner. So, with that in mind, I am looking up. I am thankful that I am more than an overcomer through Christ my Savior. Now it is time for me to start acting like it. (That goes for you too.)
Please share your thoughts of encouragement, favorite quotes or scriptures to fan the attitude of gratitude as we all enter this season of light and love.
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