I Was Thinking...

Friends, I have been in a bubble of late. I have ten or so blogs that I have not posted because I am thinking...ok more like over thinking.

You have heard the phrase about idle hands right? My mind is not idle but it has been somewhat unfocused. I have all these ideas, issues, concerns and such banging around in my head like a pinball game. When I start to make progress there is a distraction, I am usually pretty good about operating with distractions but more recently it is a true struggle.

I realized a few days ago where the root of this problem lies. Stillness. Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God." I have the second part of that down, but in truth I am rarely still. I have to command my thoughts in service and in devotional time because my mind is rarely still. I find myself asking for grace to focus on my devotion instead of making a mental list of what I need to do for my family or a church event. I realized that stillness was the issue while walking along the river with my husband.

We had quarreled. (That's a nice way to say we were crazy frustrated with each other and did not really want to be in each other's space at the moment.) See my husband and I have very different approaches to handling situations. Neither of them are bad methods but they don't work if you try to execute them at the same time. (#conflict) We decided instead of going home and being irritated we would go to the park and walk the trail, watch the ducks and talk.

Truth be told the talking was minimal. It was quiet. You could hear ducks quacking, birds chirping and water flowing. Somewhere in our frustration we had stumbled on something peaceful. My mind was not in 100 places...my mind was still. Scriptures I had been studying surfaced in my memory. There was a profound shift in my spirit.

Most of us suck at stillness. Our lives are busy and we live in this on-demand society that craves every moment of our time. We panic without our cell phones, grumble when the cable or internet goes out, and have some sense that we always have to be "on". Take Psalm 46:10 to heart. Find somewhere that you can disconnect and find stillness. You many need to change your geography. I do not normally walk the trail at the park - I will now. Don't look for the quick fix. Look to God. Whether it is a prayer closet, an altar or the park...find your quiet place where your spirit can be ministered too.

As for those pending blogs...I will work on getting those rolled out. Once these are out there some new things will be coming. I am super excited to share!


How about you? Where do you find stillness?

Please comment to give others ideas of how to declutter their head space and find stillness!



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