Pastor Howard-Browne and President Trump
A touching, spiritual moment is already being attacked by the enemy. Posts were spread among believers yesterday and today of Evangelical Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne and others laying hand on our president, Donald Trump. Certainly photos have been posted on social media and now the Daily Mail is weighing in on the event in the Oval Office, but this was not a large public event.
At the end of the Daily Mail article they close with a quote from a Mr. Averell "Lord help us all. How anyone sees Trump as the savior of the evangelicals is beyond me. Doesn't have a Christian bone in his body. Doesn't attend church. Multiple divorces. Adultery. Literally about every single commandment he's broken. We're all sinners, but c'mon, the evangelical right is choosing this guy to lead their 'spiritual awakening'?"
Well, Mr. Averell, I can't speak for everyone but here is what I would like to offer to you. I do not see President Trump as a savior. I have a savior in Christ Jesus, as do my brothers and sisters in Christ. I do not know the condition of President Trumps soul, but I too pray for him and all our leaders. We have all sinned and you are probably right, he probably has broken every commandment...but haven't we all? Have we not murdered with our words and actions? Have we put things before God...our jobs, families, or maybe something less noble like a cell phone. Have we cheated others, that's stealing. Have we always shown respect to our parents? Are we trying to keep up with the Joneses or perhaps these days I should say the Kardashians? Haven't we committed adultery in our hearts while in committed relationships? What about adultery toward our God in Heaven. (James 4:4)
Here is the thing. Church attendance and past actions are not indicative of the current state of a soul. God makes all things new when you receive him into your life. The sins are forgiven by God...not man. President Trump is not the leader of a spiritual awakening, but perhaps he has been awakened spiritually. It is not my place to judge.
Yes, we have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3.23) If you are perfect what do you need God for any way?
A final thought on President Trump and his church attendance. Hebrews 10:25 states "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." The meeting of the assembly could be a bible study in a hut in a foreign land. The gathering of the congregation could be a handful of volunteers and a room full of fire fighters on a Sunday morning. This is not a charge to show up at the National Cathedral and put on a show. It is a charge to meet, encourage and learn from fellow believers. Proverbs 27:17, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Nothing says be at church at 11 AM Sunday morning. For most of us, the fellowship of the assembly does fall on Sunday morning; however, in jobs or other areas of the world the gathering together may look far different. Church is the Body of Christ...not a brick and mortar structure.
I am not trying to defend President Trump's actions or faith. Just look a little deeper when you start to be critical of others. God calls us to love one another, not to serve as judge to their degree of holiness. I appreciate all those present for praying over our the President and Vice President. I am thankful these leaders of our country received prayer. Even that is a step in the right direction.
Regardless of your political views, please pray for your political leaders and their families. In the course of their service they endanger themselves and their families are prey to media scrutiny and criticism. Don't blindly agree, but pray steadfast for these men and women. Hearts can change. Mountains can move.
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At the end of the Daily Mail article they close with a quote from a Mr. Averell "Lord help us all. How anyone sees Trump as the savior of the evangelicals is beyond me. Doesn't have a Christian bone in his body. Doesn't attend church. Multiple divorces. Adultery. Literally about every single commandment he's broken. We're all sinners, but c'mon, the evangelical right is choosing this guy to lead their 'spiritual awakening'?"
Well, Mr. Averell, I can't speak for everyone but here is what I would like to offer to you. I do not see President Trump as a savior. I have a savior in Christ Jesus, as do my brothers and sisters in Christ. I do not know the condition of President Trumps soul, but I too pray for him and all our leaders. We have all sinned and you are probably right, he probably has broken every commandment...but haven't we all? Have we not murdered with our words and actions? Have we put things before God...our jobs, families, or maybe something less noble like a cell phone. Have we cheated others, that's stealing. Have we always shown respect to our parents? Are we trying to keep up with the Joneses or perhaps these days I should say the Kardashians? Haven't we committed adultery in our hearts while in committed relationships? What about adultery toward our God in Heaven. (James 4:4)
Here is the thing. Church attendance and past actions are not indicative of the current state of a soul. God makes all things new when you receive him into your life. The sins are forgiven by God...not man. President Trump is not the leader of a spiritual awakening, but perhaps he has been awakened spiritually. It is not my place to judge.
A final thought on President Trump and his church attendance. Hebrews 10:25 states "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." The meeting of the assembly could be a bible study in a hut in a foreign land. The gathering of the congregation could be a handful of volunteers and a room full of fire fighters on a Sunday morning. This is not a charge to show up at the National Cathedral and put on a show. It is a charge to meet, encourage and learn from fellow believers. Proverbs 27:17, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Nothing says be at church at 11 AM Sunday morning. For most of us, the fellowship of the assembly does fall on Sunday morning; however, in jobs or other areas of the world the gathering together may look far different. Church is the Body of Christ...not a brick and mortar structure.
I am not trying to defend President Trump's actions or faith. Just look a little deeper when you start to be critical of others. God calls us to love one another, not to serve as judge to their degree of holiness. I appreciate all those present for praying over our the President and Vice President. I am thankful these leaders of our country received prayer. Even that is a step in the right direction.
Regardless of your political views, please pray for your political leaders and their families. In the course of their service they endanger themselves and their families are prey to media scrutiny and criticism. Don't blindly agree, but pray steadfast for these men and women. Hearts can change. Mountains can move.
Stopping looking to the past and start praying for the future!!
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