Cambodia - Just The Beginning
We knew when Devon left for Cambodia there was a plan for him to return in the summer of 2018, possibly for a more extended mission. Joe and I had already discussed
one of us, most likely Joe, accompanying him on the 2018 trip. However, after discussion with other team members and Devon that has changed. Our goal is currently to raise enough funds to send all three of us to Cambodia in summer 2018.
What does that mean? That means over the next year our family will be spiritually preparing, raising money and getting shaped up for the trip. What does that look like? First and foremost getting into God's word and building our faith. Devon saw great miracles and souls saved, but he also encountered the enemy. He talked about places that sat so uncomfortably with his spirit that he did not want to enter. He has spoken of the gentleness of the Khmer people. His heart broke for the children in this country. He did not want to return home to his privileged lifestyle.
In addition to the missionary aspect, Devon benefited from the culture. He experienced the sights, sounds and food of another culture. He learned and grew as a young man. Again, he did not want to return home. He fell in love with the Khmer people.
I felt a tugging to go on this trip this year, but circumstances made me believe it was impossible due to work, my limitations and other responsibilities. We are in prayer over next steps and direction. However, Christmas for Joe and I this year will most likely be passports and perhaps some sort of luggage.
[caption id="attachment_2942" align="alignleft" width="225"]
Devon playing guitar outside church in Cambodia[/caption]
Rooms are already reserved for next year's trip. God intervened with the hotel on multiple levels. Several members of the team have already committed to returning to Siem Reap next summer, Devon included. This means we have to prepare.
First things first, pray. The task of a family barely making ends meet raising nearly $10,000 for a mission trip is daunting. We have to start planning fundraisers and getting the word out...NOW. King David knew that Solomon would face a daunting task with building the temple. In 1 Chronicles 28:20 David tells Solomon "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged for the Lord God, my God, is with you." This verse resonates in my spirit this morning as consider the year before us. This great task can be accomplished in faith and with the support of the faithful.
So our work begins.
The trip is anticipated to cost about the same next year, $2800 to $3000 per person. This covers airfare, lodging and food. Our goal is to raise $10,000 or more so we can bless the Siem Reap church and Bible School. Please consider the ways you can support this calling. God is moving in Cambodia. The people were running up to the team, seeking what they had to offer. One healed woman, resulted in an entire village being ministered too. Can you imagine?
I am not asking you to donate...yet. I am currently seeking suggestions for corporate sponsors and fundraising ideas. I am also seeking people to join with us in prayer before we start fundraising. However, if you feel compelled to give, please contact me directly so I can provide information on how to donate.
Missionary work does not have to happen across the globe. If you are a Christian, one of God's redeemed, you live in a mission field everyday. We are going to another
country where the name of Jesus is barely known, but there are plenty of people around you that do not know Jesus. Let the world see Jesus in you. When they ask why are you kind, happy etc...tell them Jesus. The lives we lead are our greatest testimony.
If you are not sharing the Gospel with others, evaluate yourself. Talk to God in earnest prayer for guidance. If you are not sharing the Gospel, you may find you are more mission field than missionary.
THANK YOU for all the prayers over the team while they were in Cambodia and for the continued prayers for Wes and Regina Webber as they continue the work year round. We will be sharing more about the trip in coming weeks, so stay tuned!
Early Stages
What does that mean? That means over the next year our family will be spiritually preparing, raising money and getting shaped up for the trip. What does that look like? First and foremost getting into God's word and building our faith. Devon saw great miracles and souls saved, but he also encountered the enemy. He talked about places that sat so uncomfortably with his spirit that he did not want to enter. He has spoken of the gentleness of the Khmer people. His heart broke for the children in this country. He did not want to return home to his privileged lifestyle.
In addition to the missionary aspect, Devon benefited from the culture. He experienced the sights, sounds and food of another culture. He learned and grew as a young man. Again, he did not want to return home. He fell in love with the Khmer people.
I felt a tugging to go on this trip this year, but circumstances made me believe it was impossible due to work, my limitations and other responsibilities. We are in prayer over next steps and direction. However, Christmas for Joe and I this year will most likely be passports and perhaps some sort of luggage.
How Can You Help
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Rooms are already reserved for next year's trip. God intervened with the hotel on multiple levels. Several members of the team have already committed to returning to Siem Reap next summer, Devon included. This means we have to prepare.
First things first, pray. The task of a family barely making ends meet raising nearly $10,000 for a mission trip is daunting. We have to start planning fundraisers and getting the word out...NOW. King David knew that Solomon would face a daunting task with building the temple. In 1 Chronicles 28:20 David tells Solomon "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged for the Lord God, my God, is with you." This verse resonates in my spirit this morning as consider the year before us. This great task can be accomplished in faith and with the support of the faithful.
So our work begins.
The trip is anticipated to cost about the same next year, $2800 to $3000 per person. This covers airfare, lodging and food. Our goal is to raise $10,000 or more so we can bless the Siem Reap church and Bible School. Please consider the ways you can support this calling. God is moving in Cambodia. The people were running up to the team, seeking what they had to offer. One healed woman, resulted in an entire village being ministered too. Can you imagine?
I am not asking you to donate...yet. I am currently seeking suggestions for corporate sponsors and fundraising ideas. I am also seeking people to join with us in prayer before we start fundraising. However, if you feel compelled to give, please contact me directly so I can provide information on how to donate.
Are You The Missionary or the Mission Field
Missionary work does not have to happen across the globe. If you are a Christian, one of God's redeemed, you live in a mission field everyday. We are going to another
If you are not sharing the Gospel with others, evaluate yourself. Talk to God in earnest prayer for guidance. If you are not sharing the Gospel, you may find you are more mission field than missionary.
THANK YOU for all the prayers over the team while they were in Cambodia and for the continued prayers for Wes and Regina Webber as they continue the work year round. We will be sharing more about the trip in coming weeks, so stay tuned!
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