Admit it, just reading that word makes us uncomfortable. I am not going to say change is painful, but it is honestly rarely a comfortable experience. Change challenges us. Change makes us face fears. Change also makes us grown. Doing the same thing, the same way becomes stagnant. Think for a moment about stagnant water. It attracts bugs (yuck) and eventually it starts to stink. I do not want to attract bugs or stink. How about you?
I have really had to check my perspective on change. Some changes, like evaluating my commitments has been uncomfortable. However, in that process I have found support from unexpected people and relief. The relief came from the margin it created in my schedule to actually do things I want to do for me or my family. It has been a good change and continues to develop.
The change that kinda sucks is the food changes. I love almost all of it. It has really been on my heart for the last several months that being overweight is evidence of not being a good steward of what God has entrusted me with. Since I constantly talk about being a good steward with resources at church, I feel to not address my weight would be hypocritical. However, I would still rather have a thick steak, burger or pizza over a salad any day of the week. A major change in your diet creates major havoc in your digestive system. Once you body adjusts to the changes, everything will balance out again. The transition period can be very, it sucks. (Might as well be honest.)
What is my point? In order for a plant to grow to its maximum potential it has to be fed, watered and pruned. Pruning involves removing things. In fact, if you google prune or pruning you come to a definition that is worded as follows, "reduce the extent of (something) by removing superfluous or unwanted parts". (FYI, I just love the word superfluous...much more fun than "extra")
There are other changes on my horizon. I am not fearful, but I am a little uncomfortable. I am stretching myself and growing. I am excited to see the next days and weeks unfold. After all, God is ordering my steps, I cannot fail.
But Change Kinda Sucks
I have really had to check my perspective on change. Some changes, like evaluating my commitments has been uncomfortable. However, in that process I have found support from unexpected people and relief. The relief came from the margin it created in my schedule to actually do things I want to do for me or my family. It has been a good change and continues to develop.
The change that kinda sucks is the food changes. I love almost all of it. It has really been on my heart for the last several months that being overweight is evidence of not being a good steward of what God has entrusted me with. Since I constantly talk about being a good steward with resources at church, I feel to not address my weight would be hypocritical. However, I would still rather have a thick steak, burger or pizza over a salad any day of the week. A major change in your diet creates major havoc in your digestive system. Once you body adjusts to the changes, everything will balance out again. The transition period can be very, it sucks. (Might as well be honest.)
There are other changes on my horizon. I am not fearful, but I am a little uncomfortable. I am stretching myself and growing. I am excited to see the next days and weeks unfold. After all, God is ordering my steps, I cannot fail.
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