Happy Birthday, Colton
I love all four of our boys and this year I am going to make a point to post about them as individuals on their birthdays.
Colton's story is long, complicated and filled with twists and turns. Despite bitter lows and amazing highs we have survived thus far. At 22, Colton is different than most men his age. He has been battle scarred by life. Although he may tell you otherwise, he still has hope. He slips up every now and then and talks about the future he wants. He is on his way to finding it too.
He is in Oregon, somewhere near a cell tower. Not sure if he is climbing on it today or just giving support. He has a good job that is allowing him to experience other parts of the country. He has a young relationship that is not based on crisis. There is a genuine love and concern between Colton and his young lady. You can see it in how they interact with one another. She has a great family that has provided Colton with support and encouragement that he needed. He needed it from someone that was not so close to the situation. They made a difference to him and restored his faith in people.
Colton has been hurt so many times. Disillusioned might describe it better. The fairy tales ended up looking more like nightmares. He has not been blameless, but he is also not the only one to blame. My son is learning the hard way. Like mother, like son. (Sorry about that trait son.)
It takes time to grow up and mature. He is still working on some of that, but what a good heart he has. I could not be happier with the concern and love my son has for others. Sometimes you can miss it because he has the vibrato of most young men trying to prove themselves. It is there. It is deeply ingrained in him to want to be a good man. A man like his Papa.
So today, I get to celebrate that I have the privilege to say Colton is my son. I am proud of him. He has earned my respect and my trust. He is ever etched upon my heart.
Happy Birthday Colton. I love you and I am so proud to be your Mom.
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