Winter Retreat & Missions
Winter Retreat
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17 NIV)
If a few days I leave with our youth group and other leaders for Winter Retreat. Some may see this as just a weekend getaway. It is much more. It is an opportunity for these students to engage with other students in FAITH. There is a great deal of negativity and doubt in our school systems. Events like Winter Retreat allow these young people to engage with like-minded peers. It affords an opportunity for the leadership to be refreshed and glean information and ideas from other leaders. Think of it as Spiritual Networking. Connections are made within an event focused on praising and worshipping God. Yes, we are going to have a lot of fun. We are also going to see breakthroughs. We will bear witness or even experience to breakthroughs and the destruction of strongholds in lives. I am excited and honored to be able to share in this event.
Cambodia Mission Trip
"And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues;" (Mark 16:15-17 NIV)
I have never been on a mission trip. My sister has been on several. She is in her mid thirties now and she still talks about those trips to Argentina and Honduras. She has a heart for these countries in a way that words fail to explain. We have youth group members wanting to participate in this Cambodia Mission in July 2017. Obviously, adult chaperones are needed as well. This is not an inexpensive undertaking. The estimated cost per participant is $2800 just for the trip. Airfare is not finalized so there can be a fluctuation in that cost. On top of the lodging, transportation and food, other things are needed. Passports, specific immunizations and money for incidentals.
Many of us will never leave our homes and travel to a foreign country. Whatever reasons exist, we CAN and SHOULD support the efforts of those who are called to foreign missions. I hope my son decides to go on this mission. I want him to see the needs of others, to discover greater appreciation for his freedoms and gratitude for all he has been blessed with. I firmly believe this to be a massive growth experience for anyone, but especially for a young person. This is a way of engaging the next generation in a poignant way that will leave a mark on their heart forever.
PLEASE, as God directs you, donate to the mission trip. Help the willing and able to engage the Great Commission from the front lines. If you follow me on Facebook you will soon start seeing fundraising efforts posted. If you feel lead to make a direct donation, please feel free to contact me and I will put you in touch with the right people. You can also contact CenterBranch directly to discuss ways to donate to the trip.
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