Psalm 73:26

My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. (Psalm 73:26 NLT)                

God knows our heart. We can lie to ourselves and to others but our lies to God are completely pointless...HE KNOWS. I was gung-ho about this fast. I had a vision in my mind of pushing through 7 days of real fasting...almost like it was a challenge. A few things occurred to make me retract and return to a sunrise to sunset fast. One is an issue only other women can understand and the other is that I have to drive, long distances at times and I cannot do that safely in inclement weather in the condition I was in yesterday. You cannot go from a high calorie diet to nothing and not expect whiplash. I posted on my Facebook last night that in time I will be able to Fast the way my heart desires, but not quite yet. (It's that process business again.)

However, these obstacles made me reevaluate how I was approaching the Fast. I do not want to find myself like those in Isaiah 58. In my charge to do the "real" fast, I found too much of me in the process and not enough of me humbling myself. God knows our heart. So here I am humbling myself and holding myself accountable to you, my readers. I have prayed and God has put me in check. Today I continue the fast with humbled heart, acknowledging that this is between me and God...not me and my ego. 



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