So It Begins
I have been working at creating better habits most of 2016. Only recently have I felt like any of them have actually taken hold. I am getting better about reading my bible daily during the week, but somehow I always seem to mess up the routine on the weekends. I "catch up" on my reading plan but the weekend change of routine often leads me astray in many of my goals.
Today, I splurged on lunch with a young friend of mine finishing the meal off with dessert, which I rarely get when I eat out. We had meat and carbs for dinner. In moderation it would have been fine but I do not do my homemade potato salad in moderation. I have drank water all day and the last bottle includes 2 drops of peppermint essential oil. I am currently diffusing lavender essential oil to help me get to sleep and hopefully stay asleep through the night.
Tomorrow is a new day. My current plan is to partially fast tomorrow. I say partial because I plan to have protein shakes and/or smoothies. I have the 21 Day Fix plan to follow but I want to use at least 1, possibly two days to reset my system...let the junk get cleaned out of my system. In addition to resetting my system, I need to refocus my heart and soul.
I have not "fallen off the wagon", but I am not at that "high" I was at a few short months ago. I do not feel as though I am struggling with my faith or any major issues. I do not want to get into that situation though. I think that is what happens to many of us. We get comfortable, we get lazy and next thing you know we are looking across a chasm to return to our faith.
I catch myself slipping. Speaking negative into my circumstances or missing opportunities to enrich my faith. I want to be positive and speak life into my circumstances and into the lives of those I encounter. I do not want it to be cliché, I want it to be my first whole, true heart. The habits of my speech have tripped me up in this area. Partially because I was always prone to worry, despair and depression. Partially because the nature of my previous career I did not speak much life at all. I considered myself a realist. In fact, I prided myself on being "real" about situations. Being real is a matter of perspective.
When you view the world and circumstances in the is pretty dismal. When you observe the world as a Child of God, realizing that He has control of all you encounter...the view shifts drastically. This is not false positivity, it is looking at things from a different elevation, if you will. In the moment, yes situations will feel difficult, but we have the assurance that God has it under control.
As I start a serious path to improving my physical health I have to rely on God and speak life. In the past, I have started programs with excuses from "I can't live without Oreos" to "my knees are not healthy enough for this". I have been unsuccessful in every attempt to lose weight because I spoke death over the attempt every time. I will be successful this time. When I stumble I will not quit. I will learn from the mistake and do better tomorrow.
My life is not perfect and I do not have it all together, but my Heavenly Father does. He has a plan for me that is all mine. He has a purpose for me that is specifically designed for me. He will help me in all GOOD things because all good things come from Him. If it is good and it follows his commands, then I am in His will. God does not intent for me to be unhealthy, over-weight, self-conscious or anxious. Every step I take away from those things that weigh me down is a step closer to God's purpose for me.
Whatever it is you are facing in your life, whatever mountain you are climbing...lean on God. Read His word, speak His promises over your life and when in Him.
Today, I splurged on lunch with a young friend of mine finishing the meal off with dessert, which I rarely get when I eat out. We had meat and carbs for dinner. In moderation it would have been fine but I do not do my homemade potato salad in moderation. I have drank water all day and the last bottle includes 2 drops of peppermint essential oil. I am currently diffusing lavender essential oil to help me get to sleep and hopefully stay asleep through the night.
Tomorrow is a new day. My current plan is to partially fast tomorrow. I say partial because I plan to have protein shakes and/or smoothies. I have the 21 Day Fix plan to follow but I want to use at least 1, possibly two days to reset my system...let the junk get cleaned out of my system. In addition to resetting my system, I need to refocus my heart and soul.
I have not "fallen off the wagon", but I am not at that "high" I was at a few short months ago. I do not feel as though I am struggling with my faith or any major issues. I do not want to get into that situation though. I think that is what happens to many of us. We get comfortable, we get lazy and next thing you know we are looking across a chasm to return to our faith.
I catch myself slipping. Speaking negative into my circumstances or missing opportunities to enrich my faith. I want to be positive and speak life into my circumstances and into the lives of those I encounter. I do not want it to be cliché, I want it to be my first whole, true heart. The habits of my speech have tripped me up in this area. Partially because I was always prone to worry, despair and depression. Partially because the nature of my previous career I did not speak much life at all. I considered myself a realist. In fact, I prided myself on being "real" about situations. Being real is a matter of perspective.
When you view the world and circumstances in the is pretty dismal. When you observe the world as a Child of God, realizing that He has control of all you encounter...the view shifts drastically. This is not false positivity, it is looking at things from a different elevation, if you will. In the moment, yes situations will feel difficult, but we have the assurance that God has it under control.
As I start a serious path to improving my physical health I have to rely on God and speak life. In the past, I have started programs with excuses from "I can't live without Oreos" to "my knees are not healthy enough for this". I have been unsuccessful in every attempt to lose weight because I spoke death over the attempt every time. I will be successful this time. When I stumble I will not quit. I will learn from the mistake and do better tomorrow.
My life is not perfect and I do not have it all together, but my Heavenly Father does. He has a plan for me that is all mine. He has a purpose for me that is specifically designed for me. He will help me in all GOOD things because all good things come from Him. If it is good and it follows his commands, then I am in His will. God does not intent for me to be unhealthy, over-weight, self-conscious or anxious. Every step I take away from those things that weigh me down is a step closer to God's purpose for me.
Whatever it is you are facing in your life, whatever mountain you are climbing...lean on God. Read His word, speak His promises over your life and when in Him.
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