Manic Monday
After a tiresome weekend it is already Monday morning. I work primarily outdoors and it is cool (about 42 degrees) and its raining. This is a combination for a serious case of the Mondays.
Not happening today! I refuse to start my week off in a negative, defeated mindset. I got up this morning and started the 21 Day Fix. I worked out for 30 minutes...the full video, although maybe not as intense as they do it. I read my scripture for my bible reading plan and did my Gospel Project bible study. While reading my bible I drank my Shakeology, followed by a cup of coffee. I am even on my second cup of water for the day.

Are you impressed? Seriously, my muscles ache so bad this morning and the ache is deep. Why? Because I painted my basement on Saturday, then our almost finished basement bathroom after church Sunday. The painting had me sore and tight, but then at the Dream Team Christmas Party I played Air Hockey and Ping-Pong against my husband. How do you pull muscles playing table top games. Don't get me was a great weekend. I got a lot accomplished, fellowshipped with my wonderful church family and heard more about "God is Good" from our current series.
I have a lot on my to do list today and this is a packed week. Remember, we can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens us. There are no limits on what God can accomplish in us and through us if we just trust in Him. Heavenly Father, let us not grow weary. Renew our energy, commitment and strength as we charge through this week praising and glorifying you for all you accomplish in us and through us. AMEN.
Not happening today! I refuse to start my week off in a negative, defeated mindset. I got up this morning and started the 21 Day Fix. I worked out for 30 minutes...the full video, although maybe not as intense as they do it. I read my scripture for my bible reading plan and did my Gospel Project bible study. While reading my bible I drank my Shakeology, followed by a cup of coffee. I am even on my second cup of water for the day.
Are you impressed? Seriously, my muscles ache so bad this morning and the ache is deep. Why? Because I painted my basement on Saturday, then our almost finished basement bathroom after church Sunday. The painting had me sore and tight, but then at the Dream Team Christmas Party I played Air Hockey and Ping-Pong against my husband. How do you pull muscles playing table top games. Don't get me was a great weekend. I got a lot accomplished, fellowshipped with my wonderful church family and heard more about "God is Good" from our current series.
I have a lot on my to do list today and this is a packed week. Remember, we can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens us. There are no limits on what God can accomplish in us and through us if we just trust in Him. Heavenly Father, let us not grow weary. Renew our energy, commitment and strength as we charge through this week praising and glorifying you for all you accomplish in us and through us. AMEN.
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