God Loves Us Bigger

In the last few months we have had some incredible messages at church. In the main Sunday service we went through a series called "Born of God" then went into a series "God is Good". In Aspire youth we had a series called "Blessed Life".  All of these messages have played off one another in more ways than one. As children of God we have an inheritance, a right to all the good things God promised. Our lives are blessed because of the Father's grace and mercy...not because of our works. (Please check out CenterBranch, you can find our podcasts and links to Livestream. These message can change your life and inspire your faith.)

None of these lessons were hidden from view. It is all there in black, white, red and some highlighter in the pages of my Bible. This is not some new age approach my Pastors dreamed up to get people to "buy in" to religion. Quite the opposite.

To follow God, to obey his commandments is not difficult. It does take discipline and if you try to do it on your own and hang on to your old ways....okay, yeah then it is difficult. YOU make it difficult, not God. His burden is light, but it does not mean sunshine and unicorns in every circumstance. Remember, you are Born of God making in you a child of God. Not everyone you encounter makes that same decision. Or they make the decision and miss a much bigger picture.

I Love You Bigger Than...

When my sons were little we played a game. I would tell them I love you this big, spreading my arms wide. Then they would show how "tall" they loved me. As they grew a little older, 4 or 5 perhaps, it became "I love you bigger". "Mommy, I love you bigger than the sky." "I love you bigger than the ocean." Eventually, the "winner" said "I love you bigger than God." It was cute and we still sometimes bring up the "love you bigger" comments, but no one can love bigger than God.

In our humanity, we can not fathom the vastness of God's love or his goodness. As a mother, I have a concept of how much my parents love me. God love me more than that...that is like a lot. A lot, lot. (Bad, bad grammar but you get my point.) My parents do everything they can for me, but some things they want to do...they simply can't. They are limited, just as I am, by finances, geography, responsibilities and an array of other limitations. Without limits - they would do anything for me and my sister and our families. I believe that with all my being. Now think for a moment about God. He IS our father, so he has that same love and dedication to our well-being; however, He has NO LIMITS. The only limitations are the ones we put on Him by not obeying his commandments. No limits. Time, distance, finances....nothing can limit God, except you or I and our lack of obedience.

Kind of heavy, right. It is a weighty concept to think that I could be limiting my blessings. I have actively tried to re-learn how to pray. Sometimes, I write out my prayer so I can add scriptural promise and check for how I word my petitions. Words are powerful. The written word can impact us, inspire us, educate us and change the course of our lives, perhaps that is why writing and reading are so close to my heart. However, the word spoken is not subject to edit. Once spoken, once heard it becomes a part of the history between us. Words of power and promise can initiate action to change lives completely. Words of negativity and death can rip apart nations. (If you don't believe me, watch 30 seconds of news coverage.)

Open Letter to My Friends & Family

I have discovered I do not have to tolerate sin, in myself or others. I do not have to rail against someone who believes different from me. I only have to love them and share my faith. I seek the help of the Spirit to prune away what is dead and negative in my life. When I encounter those who are not believers, who do not have the relationship with God they should or who simply choose sin, it is not about me tolerating that. I can disagree with you about the choices you are making in your life (abortion, drugs, sexual orientation, politics and any other hot topic out there). I do not have to like your choices. You do not have to like mine. I have a responsibility to tell you God loves you and he wants you in "the family". If you reject that, I am going to pray for you. I am going to keep praying for you. You are still going to be someone I care for. You still matter to me. I want you to be happy and have a good full life. There will be a sadness in our relationship, because until you realize what God is offering, I know we have a time limited relationship. I know you do not have the peace of mind that I have or the true joy in life that I have found. This may pull us apart because I am going to want to be with people who know Jesus. I do not want to cuss and gossip. I do not want to go and do things I used to go and do. That void I felt this time last year, has been filled with something you CANNOT understand unless you too have a relationship with Christ.


I am a Christian. A daughter of the most High. An heir to the promises that an obedient daughter is guaranteed in the Word of God. I am not being arrogant, because it can be yours too. In fact, I would really, really like you to share in it. If you hate "religion" that's fine, because I am not religious. I have a relationship and that is very, VERY different. Call me what you like, but I am still your friend as I have always been. I love you. I believe in the Bible. If that makes me a fanatic in your mind, okay.

You and I believing different does not vilify either of us. It does not give either of us the right to be ugly, nasty or cruel to each other. In fact, if I thought those actions were okay it would prove that everything I believe about my God to be a lie. My God is good and he is love. He is right there and he is waiting for you.

"Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends." Revelation 3:20 (NLT)

A parting thought for my fellow believers. If you belittle, spite and degrade others you hurt your testimony. All the talk of a loving Father in Heaven is for naught if you sow seeds of discord and hatred. No one sees God in a church that publicised their hate of others and protests the funerals of fallen heroes. We all have sinned. Those who enjoy a relationship with the heavenly Father have accepted grace and mercy. Those who do not have that relationship cannot be "beaten", physically or emotionally, into compliance. God's grace is freely given and must be freely accepted. Remember, even among the inner circle of Christ, witnessing His miracles, Judas walked away for a monetary bribe.

Be strong enough in your faith, that you can reach out to others and not just enshrine yourself with the righteous. If we spend every moment with the righteous, how can we help to grow the kingdom of God. It is our job to share the good news, not to judge and beat others into submitting to faith by force. Obey God, trust me his plan is better than anything we can come up with.

"Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives." Jude 1:23 (NLT)


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