No Satisfaction
I have never been fond of the word contentment. The definition is “a state of happiness and satisfaction”. The “satisfaction” part is what bothers me. Why? Because satisfaction refers to fulfillment. Meaning if I satisfy a debt or a commitment…I am finished.
I am not satisfied. I have deep happiness and joy in my life, but I am not done. I don’t want to sound arrogant, but I am pleased with my life, my relationships and the commitments I have. I wake in the morning with purpose. My thoughts buzz with ideas for writing, for projects with the youth and how to better serve in the capacities I have committed too at my church. Purpose is powerful.
What is your purpose? We have all been asked or asked this of ourselves. My purpose is to love and serve God and others. It sounds simple and in one aspect it is; however, what is the vehicle I carry out my purpose. Writing. I know writing is a part of this. The other part I believe is “helps”. I don’t recall ever hearing the “ministry of helps” before Centerbranch. As I contemplate the idea, I realize I come from a long line of “ministers of help”. Most people who know my family would say we have a generational gift for music, but helps is equal or greater in my family. My Mother and Grandparents have been the music ministers for a Fire Department ministry for over 50 years. 50 YEARS. Commitment is sort of in the genes I suppose. I cannot begin to fathom the time, money and resources they have poured into this ministry. I cannot begin to tell you the blessings my family has received in terms of friendship, fellowship…sometimes even medical assistance. My Mother and Sister worked with children for many years, again investing money and time into puppets, a puppet stage and even a trailer to haul everything in. I could give more examples of cousins or aunts and uncles who serve in various capacities. My Granny and Papa Wheeler both rang the bell for the Salvation Army for years and participated in various “helps”. As I reflect, I am understanding God must have put the need to care for others, to minister to others in my very DNA.
What Does My Purpose Look Like
Most of us have a dream job. It could be stay at home parent, CEO, attorney, doctor or many others. If I close my eyes and think my dream situation. I envision a position within a church or Christian non-profit. It allows me to utilize my writing, perhaps the organizational blog and of course continuing my personal writing efforts. It would allow me to plan things. (Yes I am a nerd…I like to plan. I love my planner and my lists…they work.) I think this is the reason I am drawn to the idea of project management and process improvement…I like to fix things. Lastly, I would have an opportunity to do something in the kitchen. I have no idea where this ideal job would manifest, but if God can do anything therefore this is the job I pray for. (This is a big difference from my dream job in the past...much less self serving.)
In the meantime, my purpose is seen in service in my church, this blog and my connect groups. God is good and wants good things for us. So the fulfillment I find in the various areas of service I engage is a good thing not only for those I help, but it is good for me. God said when he created the heavens and earth that it was good. I think we sometimes forget God gave us gifts and we can enjoy those gifts. Helping others makes me feel useful. Helping others deepens my connection to those I fellowship with at church and in the community.
One of the parables is about the talents. (Matthew 25) One servant had one and did nothing with it, the others had more and acted to multiply the talents and use what had been given to them. I was idle for many years with my God given talents…no more. I challenge you to look at what you have been gifted with in your life. How have you used it for God’s purpose? Have you squandered your talent or dove into your purpose with all you might?
Decide today to pray and ask for guidance in how to use your talents. I prayed earlier this year that I be used once more in church…now I find opportunities around every corner. What a blessing to serve! As we continue through the month continue to think about what you are thankful for and consider how to pay forward all the blessing you have received.
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