Attitude of Gratitute
Enter Sunday Afternoons...
Sunday afternoon is when I get the most accomplished in terms of writing and my creative flow. By the time we get home, my husband and son are napping or watching sports and I have time for what I love...writing.
Today I want to catch you up on my Thankfulness challenge and share a few other tidbits from the journey.
Day 7 An item that makes your house a home
The cast bronze praying hands sitting on the shelf above my wood stove. These are so important to me because they were my Grandmother's. Having something tangible to look at and remember not only her but my whole family is vital to me. Her hands were often folded in prayer or resting on the open bible she was reading. I firmly believe her prayers and the prayers of many other in my family are the reason I am where I am today.
Day 8 An appliance
Some of these prompts seem kind of shallow, but here I go. My Kitchen-Aid mixer. I do not use it everyday, but once again it is something that reminds me of the efforts made by people that love me to surprise me. It has been through heavy use but continues to truck on. Truthfully, it needs to be replaced, but this mixer has a very dear place in my heart.
Day 9 Your mode of Transportation
My personal vehicle is not my choice of vehicle. However, God showed himself in the process of trading in two vehicles for this one Jeep. We were not using one of vehicles because I have a company car. It was a bit of a waste. Nothing seemed to be working in our favor in the process of trying to downsize. Then it all fell into place. This was one of the first times my husband and I joined hands and prayed together for God to intervene. He is Good all the time.
Day 10 A TV Show or Movie
I am a bit of movie and TV junkie when I have nothing else scheduled to do. I love to veg on my couch and watch the screen for hours. Going to the movies still excites me...especially the drive in during the summer. "War Room" was a precursor to my live being completely overhauled. I had seen the movie a few weeks before a major life crisis and God used it to help be not hit rock bottom. In fact, that movie helped me very clearly see the answer to everything I had been dealing with for many years. Never underestimate the power of a movie, TV show, song or kind word to change a persons life.
Day 11 A song or Book
Obviously I am thankful for God's word...the Bible. I am thankful for the song "Blessed Assurance" and "Through All of It" by Colton Dixon. Both songs have been pivotal in the changes that have taken place in my heart and life. (OK Blessed Assurance has always been close to my heart). On a less "spiritual" note...the book "Be The Pack Leader" by Cesar Millan changed many things about how I deal with people. Yes it is a book on dogs, but many of the principles apply in dealing with people. The whole idea of being calm and assertive works on animal and man.
Day 12 A hobby or sport
I am thankful NASCAR is off the air between Thanksgiving and New Year's. Actually, I don't mind, my husband likes to watch the races but he does not abandon everything else to do it. So just kidding on the NASCAR comment. I am thankful I can and do write. Even if I am the only person growing from it...I am thankful for the release and security I find when I put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. I'm thankful for singing too. I miss singing in a church choir, but I sing all day in my work vehicle. I sing during praise and worship at church. I sing when I cook, shower and clean. Singing is my favorite thing after writing.
Day 13 Your drink
Chick-fil-A Sweet Tea with a splash of lemonade. I am from the south so sweet tea is a must. Chick-fil-A tea is the only things I have found that is exactly like it was back home. Thank you Chick-fil-A for doing sweet tea right.
Day 14 A delicious Meal
I am thankful I can cook and feed others. This is technically tomorrow's prompt for thanks, but I prepared food for a group at our church and it was well received. There is nothing as wonderful as someone enjoying the food you prepare for them. I am grateful to have opportunities to feed others both with food and with love.
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