Finding My Path

I started my blog as a tool for self-discovery. Evaluating my wants and needs in an effort to transition to a more minimalist lifestyle that would allow me and my family to lead a fuller life.

I yearn to write the great American novel...ok maybe not the great American novel, but a published work none-the-less. I have a half completed manuscript that I've worked on for 20 plus years. Time to finish wouldn't you say?

Lately, everything I reach out for with my faith draws me back to the story of Ruth. The ideas flooding my mind are ministry and bible study related. I only recently made the decision to recommit myself to my faith. We have only been back in church for about 10 weeks. Am I really in any position to start drafting and researching for faith based writings? I am not a theologian and I am still seeking answers. I am incredibly flawed and struggling daily...I'm not sure I am worthy to write things to help or inspire others especially in their personal faith.

I want very much to be of use and service to others. Is this a next step? I don't know. All I know is I did not spend this much time figuring myself out in my teens and twenties, maybe if I would have reflected sooner I would already have answers.


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