I Have A Great Life

I am not bragging. Trust me, there is lots of room for improvement in my life. But I have many more things to be thankful for than to be depressed over.

I've mentioned my great boss and amazing work team. I have had a lot of jobs so I know how rare and amazing this is. Our work group, a team of 6, is second in the nation in customer service. Our supervisor was asked how we do it and he told them we treat people the way we want to be treated and the way we want our family members treated. They did not want that answer. Corporate trainers want something that they can quantify, qualify, measure and teach. Our response does not fit in their box.
The point is we have a wonderful team. We help each other out, take care of our customers and mind our business.

I have a great family. They are quite dysfunctional, I can find 100s of flaws if I want but at the end of the day we pull together. We love each other and despite our many differences, this big, hot mess is filled with lots of love.

My 2 best friends could empower a person to take over the universe. Between the three of us we have brains, beauty, gumption and plenty of humor. I'm hundred of miles away from them but 1 text or phone call and it's like we are in the same room again.

My husband is my closest friend. He is not my rock, he is my gorilla glue. Without him I would never keep it together. I work in a male dominated field and my husband is my biggest supporter. He is also my first defender so watch out. LOL

Years ago I fought severe depression during my first marriage and a person told me not to consider permanent solutions to temporary problems. Looking at the great things in my life.. these thing are long lasting, most I've had my whole life...I am truly blessed. My health obstacles, my crisis of faith, a bad day at work and even my financial worries are temporary and have solutions.

Here is today's take away. Focus on what you have in your life that is good and positive. Cultivate those positive things in your life. We make a decision daily to be happy or not. I choose to be happy, I might get a little edge in there but overall, I choose to focus on the good so dealing with the bad doesn't hurt so bad.

Make sure you remind me of this in the future when I feel sorry for myself. Go forth and be happy.


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