
I think I opened some sort of magically door when I started blogging about downsizing and what we really need. I am hearing it everywhere. The radio last night, the news this morning, multiple Facebook post, it just seems to be a timely subject. (OR maybe it's just that phenomenon, the one where you buy a certain type of car and suddenly you see them everywhere because you become more aware of them. )

As you may have discovered I'm a bit of an arm chair philosopher. I am well aware I should probably not allow my mind to wander without a chaperone.

So how about if I get to the topic...

Wants. We all know they change over time. In the last month or two my wants have changed drastically. It is my hope and prayer to stay on this trend. Not long ago I wanted an improved home (not necessarily larger, just more bells and whistles), a nicer car (I have a real nice car), and gadgets. Kitchen gadgets are my kryptonite but electronics and beauty items are not off the radar. I loved buying stuff for my house. I'm not a shoes and clothes girl, but I love to buy for my house.

These are wants. I like nice, pretty things but they are not needs. I'm sitting in my room looking around at different items that I felt I needed. My dresser, a lamp, bedding, mattress, decorations, all sorts of storage thing-a-ma-bobs and do not actually NEED any of it. Society said I needed to have finished boudoir. My culture taught me we sleep on a mattress. I have been trained to understand these things as necessities.

I'm not suggesting a return to the dark ages. I have no intention of giving up my lamp for candlelight or my mattress for the floor, but I feel the need (there is that blasted word again) to identify them as wants. These are my uncompromising wants. Things I have no interest in giving up. I am willing to reimagine them.

For instance, we are drafting ideas for a tiny house. I like the idea of a pit style couch that doubles as our bed. Essentially we would make the couch using a bed mattress incorporating storage below, creating back support instead of a headboard. It's multi use and I keep a living room and a real bed.

Another want, a real kitchen, no RV size kitchen. I'm ok with a smaller fridge. I can even say no to a dishwasher, but I need a real stove and oven. My husband would like us to have a microwave, I don't see the point since I only use it to melt butter or reheat leftovers. We went 3 years without a microwave, why get one for the Tiny house?

I want a good computer. This is another no waver want. I am starting to enjoy this blogging business and I hope as I continue to remove the clutter in my life I'll find more time to work on my novel.

I think it is important to make the distinction between what we need and what we want. I believe it is equally important to understand the wants we are not willing to compromise on. If you start this journey for yourself you begin discovering things about who you are that may surprise you.

The great thing is that life is a journey and we can always adjust our course, I'm adjusting mine little by little. I spent this weekend thinning out more clutter. I have 3 bags and 4 boxes of clothes and donations to take to the local mission. It feels good to know someone will get use out of these things. Someone who needs them, not just wants it.


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