The Obligatory Bucket List

Publish My Novel - this is number 1 to me, of course this means sub list items like finishing the novel, editing and releasing to the world for editing. The feedback is great when someone read excerpts but those are friends and family, people I trust. What happens when your give you creative baby to a stranger. What if they steal it or abuse it. What if they laugh at me? I don't understand how I am so confident about my story and lack confidence about its potential success. I know it's better than some best sellers I've read, but what if?

"What if" is my kryptonite. I can see all kinds of risks and only a handful of rewards. It makes me sound pessimistic and I really am not, I'm just have risk aversion. I like a degree of continuity and guarantee in what I do. I could probably find a contract PM job but what if the contract terminates and I'm out of work for an extended period of time. So I have a nice safe reliable job with benefits and guaranteed salary. Less risk, less reward...I am well aware but I cannot afford the risk. I don't gamble either and I may buy 2 lottery tickets a year. That's just my comfort zone.

The remaining bucket list under construction; however, here are some of the highlights...

Be more devote in my faith

Travel route 66 while visiting Diners, Drive-in and Dives restaurant location

See the Northern lights

Adopt a technology free day once per week

Visit Ireland

Go on a food and wine tour of Italy

Make hand rolled sushi

Read the entire Bible

Learn how to Salsa...well

Build and live in a THOW (more on this later)

Retire at 60 or earlier

Send my parents on a vacation

Take my children and grandchildren to Disney

Build my own furniture

Read a new book every month for a year

Lose 80 pounds...and not find it again

Make my own candles

Grow a garden...successfully

Have a spa day (selfish, pathetic and much desired)

Learn to sew, so I can make a quilt

Write in a journal (or blog) daily

Develop more meaningful and lasting friendships

Ride in a hot air balloon

The list is far from complete but it is a start. We have to start somewhere is what we are always told. What keeps you from starting? Is the journey too long? Is the path too frightening? I've been there as well, but that first step makes all the difference.






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