Getting to Know Me

That's sort of the point of this whole blog business for me. I have clung to the quote " to Thine Ownself Be true" since middle school english, it's my favorite quote. After raising my children and chasing the "American Dream" I find myself pondering. Who am I? When did I lose sight of myself? Did I ever have sight of myself? Is this a midlife crisis? How can I be true to myself if I'm not sure who I am anymore.

Here is where I am in life. Married almost 13 years to the love of my life. We have 4 boys between us from prior marriages. All but one are grown, 2 still in the nest. We have 3 grandchildren and daughter-in-law who can do anything she puts her mind too. I completed my second masters degree last summer and I am overwhelmed by the amount of debt my husband and I face in our 40s going forward. Like so many our age we did not plan well for retirement. We have also spent time surviving life, not living it. That approach has taken a toll on both of us and our children. We are desperate to make changes.

Two years ago we moved from North Carolina to West Virginia to be closer to my husband's mother and to get away from the stress of our former careers in public service. We loved what we did and we still miss it it but it was hurting our health, mentally and physically. The move to West Virginia helped us look at life differently and we are starting to shift some priorities.

I don't want to spend the rest of my life broke saying I wish I had done...fill in the blank. My biggest personal dream is to publish my novel. The novel I've been writing for over 20 years. ( yep should be my personal War and Peace by now). I want to go on a fantastic vacation with my children and grandchildren. I want to see Ireland and Italy. I want to travel across the US. I want to retire and not panic how to survive.

As I started thinking about these things I decided I might need to make a list. (Yes this is the obligatory bucket list moment when taking stock of one's life. Sorry, it's cliché, but it's true).

Until next time...I'm going to go clean out a closet.


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