Downsizing - Negotiations Continue
We are very close to reaching a deal on a vehicle. Not a Jeep, a truck. It's not my first choice for a truck, but it is not a Jeep and as my husband pointed out from my previous blog, he will be the primary driver. (Memo to not invite husband to read future blogs as they will be used against me.)
We have to have our two cars valued for trade in later today before I can say this is a done deal, but we are very close.
This process has made me realize how determined we really are to going tiny. Reducing the number of vehicles and budget is our first major step. I am excited and anxious. We cut a little over $200 from our monthly budget by eliminating a monthly storage bill and modifying our Cable/Phone/Internet services. We are working on sheering another 60-80 off our cell phone bills. If all goes as planned with the truck and additional 250-300 will be saved just in car payments.
This opens the door to start saving money and paying off some bills. My husband doesn't know it yet but I plan to start planning meals very soon.
There are two reasons for meal planning. 1. Weight loss and 2. When we get into a tiny house we will have limited space for food storage. If we start the habit now it will be easier in a few years when we go tiny full time.
(If any tiny Housers are reading this I'd love to hear how you handle meal planning.)
I'm use to stocking up at the grocery store so I think the scaled back kitchen will be the greatest obstacle in tiny living for me. I'd rather have a full size range and fridge than a dish washer, hubby wants a dishwasher. We are still sketching ideas so we have time, at least a year before we purchase our trailer. Negotiations continue to determine what each of us can live with or better yet, cannot live without.
We have to have our two cars valued for trade in later today before I can say this is a done deal, but we are very close.
This process has made me realize how determined we really are to going tiny. Reducing the number of vehicles and budget is our first major step. I am excited and anxious. We cut a little over $200 from our monthly budget by eliminating a monthly storage bill and modifying our Cable/Phone/Internet services. We are working on sheering another 60-80 off our cell phone bills. If all goes as planned with the truck and additional 250-300 will be saved just in car payments.
This opens the door to start saving money and paying off some bills. My husband doesn't know it yet but I plan to start planning meals very soon.
There are two reasons for meal planning. 1. Weight loss and 2. When we get into a tiny house we will have limited space for food storage. If we start the habit now it will be easier in a few years when we go tiny full time.
(If any tiny Housers are reading this I'd love to hear how you handle meal planning.)
I'm use to stocking up at the grocery store so I think the scaled back kitchen will be the greatest obstacle in tiny living for me. I'd rather have a full size range and fridge than a dish washer, hubby wants a dishwasher. We are still sketching ideas so we have time, at least a year before we purchase our trailer. Negotiations continue to determine what each of us can live with or better yet, cannot live without.
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